Sunday 30 January 2011

79 days

79 days and counting, till I went back to Malaysia for good. But, till now, I'm still waiting for another 5 chapter feedback from my boss.
as I put in the note at my FB, ini semua sudah ketentuan-NYA. so what's remain is doa...tawakkal n berserah diri completely to Allah.
tick...tock....tick..tock... the clock is ticking, the time is moving FORWARD for sure!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Progress update

Setelah dpt feedback from boss mlm isnin baru ni, aku telah bertungkus lumus 3 hari ni utk siapkan keje2 correction mana yg patut. Bucuk pun terpaksa berkorban amik cuti keje 2 hari utk urus anak2 g sekolah pg2 dan juga mengambil alih tugas2 suri rumah sprt memasak, basuh kain, jemur kain, lipat kain sepanjang 3 hari ni. Terima kasih Bucuk krn sgt2 memahami waktu2 kritikal sy.

Hari ni sy dah siapkan keje2 yg berkaitan, dan sy tak mahu bertangguh lagi sy hantarkan email keje2 tu tengahari ni jugak. Tak kuasa dah nak nagdap benda tu, jd harap2 sgt bos berpuas hati n dapatlah kiranya juga dia memberi feedback utk 5 lg chapter yg masih berbaki. Apa pun sebnarnya sgt2 cuak bile memikirkan submission deadline mid Februari ni, mana nk wat correction lagi nak proof read lg nak wat corerction balik after proof read, so sy sgt ngeri apabila memikirkan segala kemungkinan yg ....

To remind myself about my progress update as for today, sy paste kat cni my email to my bos utk tatapan u ols @___@

Dear Prof.,

Responded to your comment for the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Literature Review’ chapter, both chapters have been revised. I would like to brief you about the amendment that I’ve done.

Chapter 1 (Introduction) few paragraph has been taken out to make sure there is not so much information being put in there, and some of it has been re-write to accommodate the cut.

Chapter 2 (Literature review) few sections has been cut and some paragraph that is useful has been taken & rewrite to include into the related section.

I’ve put new argument to the addressed comment by bringing my stand about the issue, and make a link between a section where necessary

All font in the figures has been change using the same font style (calibri), as to minimise the difference between the ‘complex figure’ that I’ve taken from other Journal/report.

All table has used the same font style n size (Times new roman -9)

To avoid the different in colour in the figure, I will print the chapter in black&white for submission

Chapter 4 (The Conceptual framework) 1 paragraph has been added under section 4.3.4 as responded to your comment in Chapter 2 under (comment D45)

Below, are the files attached to this email.

1) Chapter 1 Introduction 4th draft
2) Chapter 2 The Literature review 2nd draft
3) Literature review chapter new content structure
4) Chapter 4 The conceptual framework revise version

Finally, I want to let you know that I’ve received a letter from PG office regarding the notice of submission.

Kind Regards,

Wednesday 26 January 2011

x suke arrr

menci giler aku dok kat sni, cepatlah kau tibe bulan 4, aku x sabar! gile meroyan dah ni nk balik Msia.

Friday 21 January 2011

Experiencing Life

PhD journey has taken almost 3.5 years of my life now. There is a lot things that we can do in three years time. I felt I'm kind of old to do something that I want so bad, plus all this while I need to waited some more.
As I flashback my memories, the 1st time I wasn't ready and it happened naturally. 2nd time I thought I was prepared but 2 b honest it's beyond my expectation n literally I catch up... naturally, but for the 3rd time in my life, I think now....I'm totally ready, well prepared n almost complete, it just.... I'm waiting for the right moment, but now..... when I want it so badly, I just can't.
So, again... I think just let Allah guide me towards the right path n I pray when the time comes I want it to be the best moment in my life. Honey.... I totally understand.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

This past few days

Monday I'm @ home taking care of my little angel.
Tuesday @ the office for signing in week, pass by my boss room, the light was on but nobody inside.
Wednesday @ the office to send some food for Sobe Food Event, pass by my boss room, she's in... n look bz infront of her PC, I hope she reads my work.
Tomorrow.... Thursday, I need to go the Council to settle the council tax thing, hmmmm.
Waiting n many things, really hope that everything go the way it suppose to be. Moga2 dengan izinMU Ya Allah akan berhasil semua urusan yg tergantung, Amin.

Friday 14 January 2011

Life, here.... extraordinary

I guess towards the end of the journey, I'm kind of remember how its all begin. Somehow I feel so grateful to Allah for giving me chance to go this far. With all the challenges throughout the journey has transformed me to be something different in a good way. To be here...rite now is HIS blessing, Alhamdulillah, TQ Allah for everything that You had planned for me.
Semoga aku menjadi seorang yg sentiasa memandang ke bumi wpun langit ku junjung.
My bucuk, my hakim n farah, my mum & dad, my in laws, my sibling.... TQ for all your prayers all this time. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian semua didunia dan diakhirat.

Kawan-kawan yg dekat dan jauh, pengalaman suka duka.... amat mahal dan berharga, tiada bandingannya pengalaman dirantau orang.

Now, I want to think positive n moving forward. Semoga Allah memperkenankan doa hambaNYA ini, Amin.

Thursday 13 January 2011

2011 - 1st Meeting

it's not actually a meeting, to be fair it just a quick chat with my boss. Soklan pertama sekali yg boss tanye adlh...bila visa u abis? bole, aku mulalah nk pk mcm2.... aku pun cakap arr visa aku smpai hujung tahun ni. Pastu disusuli soklan ke2, when u plan to went back to Msia, aku ckp I start working on 21st April, pastu tu dia diam lama gak arr dlm 2 3minit cam tu.
Then she asked, what date is today? pastu dia jwb sendiri 13.... so... sambil tgk timeline yg bg masa mula2 dulu bulan 9 kalau tak silap aku, pastu dia sambung balik... we try to submit on mid Feb then. So roughly she said she'll have 2 weeks to give me comment n u need to do correction if u had them, then u need to do proof read...... all together within this 4 week starting next week, u need to complete the final draft for viva submission. For now, boss dh bc 2 chapter (chapter2 yg awal le tu....) dia kata minor correction jer, tp chapter2 yg vital dia lum baca lagik, adus.... dia pun hope sgt2 struktur n writing semua ok so hopefully tade major correction yg boleh buat aku sakit kepala nk siapkan dlm masa yg diberi.

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan ku ini Ya Allah, Amin.

Examiner external & internal telah pun dikenalpasti so harap dpt le kekosongan tarikh examiner around end of March-Early April before I'm going home for good.

Ya Allah, kau lancarkanlah urusan ku ini, Amin.

So, there u are... until next week n a month after that, my life will be hectic, I guess @___@.

Usaha, Doa, Tawakkal, Berserah Diri>>>>> I must!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Meeting esok

Boss sy kalau meeting suka sblm jam 9pg. jd aku pun terpaksalah minta hubby amik cuti esok. Pagi esok kena minta anak2 bersiap awal sikit sbb nk kuar umah awal dlm kul 8.00pg pastu hubby nak terus hantar anak2 ke sekolah. Yelah sbb esok aku meeting jam 8.30pg takut tak sempat lak kalau nk naik bas, naik bas pun dekat sejam sbb kena naik 2 bas bertukar.

Nervous ttp ada wpun rsnya semuanya dh plan ok, tp yelah depan boss ni kena tunjuk bijak sikit, almaklumlah dh masa2 kecederaan ni, tak leh le x confident....confident mesti ada :) fhm2 jelah.... kalau2 tak fhm, buat2 le faham, he...he...

Harap2 sgt semuanya smooth n dapat cari jln yg terbaik utk selesaikan semuanya sblm aku pulang ke Malaysia 19 April ni. Risau sgt kalau x cukup masa, Ya Allah permudahkanlah, sesungguhnya aku telah berusaha, namun Kau lebih mengetahui maka Kau menetapkan aku disini pd tika ini, oleh itu aku mohon kpdMU Ya Allah Yg Maha Berkuasa atas segala sesuatu, bantulah aku Ya Allah, tiada satu perkara yang mustahil pun dgn izinMU Ya Allah, Amin.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

11.1.11 Tarikh Keramat, I Like!

Bile boss memperuntukkan masa utk sy hasilnya sejak mlm td 1 email, hr ni je berbalas email 4kali, suker tau! ^___^ hati berbunga2 riang, Alhamdulillah. Yg paling best sekali ialah email bos mlm td,

Dear Siti,

Very happy new year to you and your family Siti. Thank you so much I received your card and everything else, as always, I really appreciate your kindness.

Many thanks for submitting your final sections. I've just finished reading XXX thesis who completed the draft in early October and have given his feedback. Now it is your turn. I will try and get back to you with feedback for each chapter commencing next week. You can then start doing the corrections, re submit them as appropriate and followed by proof reading.

Pls. obtain a "Notice of presentation" form from admin staff, fill it with your personal details and bring it to me. We need to attach the final version of your thesis abstract to this forms, which we can easily do. All other required paper work for the "notice of presentation", I have them with me at the moment.

I hope this helps. Bearing the time scales in mind, let's start planning the viva date and we can perhaps have a quick chat on this when we meet.

Kind regards,

Monday 10 January 2011


Hari ni pg2 td perasaan bercampur baur, berceramuk dgn urusan2 suri rumahtangga n take care anak2...yg nk kesekolah....yg sakit...yg merajuk...yg...mcm2 yg le.
Apa pun lepas hubby balik dr keje I minta dia hantar I terus ke opis memandangkan I kena finalise few things + submit few things as my complete draft. Here go my final chapter and the appendices, together with final list of content as referred to the previous chapter that I've submitted to my boss earlier.
Benda ni kan selagi tak settle, asal buka nak ubah...asal ubah...buka, tu yg aku mls ngadap lama2 writing aku ni, even at the very last minute mesti ada nye cam tak cukup sempurna lg sokmo.
Apa pun, hr ni beban tu aku dah let go, finally I've finish my part, now terserah pd my boss pulak. So amacam boss???

Saturday 1 January 2011


2010 telah pun berada dlm lipatan sejarah, dan kini fasa pengajian berada dlm saki baki tempoh extension yg akan berakhir pd 18 April 2011. Sangat berharap agar mulai detik ini urusan penulisan yg masih menunggu feedback dr boss akan berjalan as smooth as it can be. Tidak bercadang utk memohon tempoh lanjutan krn byk tanggungjawab yg perlu dilangsaikan termasuklah menghormati dan mengiktiraf pengorbanan suami tercinta yg berada disini utk tempoh 42 bulan menjelang April ini.

Semoga Allah merahmati perjuanganku dcni, dan semoga apa yg dijadualkan dpt terlaksana agar aku bisa pulang dgn kejayaan. kembali kpd amanah dan tanggungjawab dan kembali kesisi keluarga yg ditinggalkan di Msia. Ya Allah, perkenankanlah permohonan hambaMU ini, Amin.