Friday, 8 April 2011

The date is confirmed, Alhamdulillah

Sepertimana yg dimaklumi semua, tujuan blog ini di tulis adalah utk berkongsi pengalaman suka duka menjalani perjalanan PhD dalam tempoh 'Masa Kecederaan'.
Wpun sebenarnya sgt takut utk berkongsi cerita kerana ada rs ragu2 yg membisik2 disudut hati, namun dgn niat ikhlas utk sama2 berkongsi secara keseluruhannya perjalanan PhD yg dilalui, walau apa pun natijahnya kelak, sy tekad utk sama2 berkongsi cerita, perasaan dan pengalaman dgn sejujurnya sebagai janji saya kpd pembaca sejak mula blog ini ditulis. Dgn itu sy juga berharap para pembaca tidaklah membuat sebarang spekulasi terhadap penulisan blog ini.

Dengan itu sy ingin kongsikan disini bahawa sy telah pun mendapat surat rasmi pd hr ini berhubung penetapan tarikh viva sy sprt berikut;

7th April 2011

Via Email

Dear Siti

Oral/Viva Examination

This is to confirm details of your viva which will be held on Tuesday 12th April 10:00 am in Maxwell Building, room 729.

Present will be your supervisor and;

External examiner: Dr XX

Internal examiner: Prof XX

Independent Chair: Dr XX

The Chair should introduce all those present at the oral examination and attempt to put all parties at ease. The Chair is also responsible for ensuring that you receive a copy of the Joint Examiners Report Form and any supplementary documents with comments for corrections and / or revision. Where comments are of a specialist academic nature, the Chair should consult the Examiners for clarification.

I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance.Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Thank you for your time

Best of luck!

Yours faithfully

Admin Staff

To all my reader out there, pls pray n Doa for me, may everything going smoothly during the session, InsyaAllah, Amin.


  1. Good Luck Siti.. sy doakan semuanya dipermudahkan Allah..Next Tuesday you will be Dr Siti..insyaAllah..

  2. InsyaAllah, mudah-mudahan atas nikmat dan RahmatNya, Amin Ya Rabb.

  3. All the best for you...semoga dilancarkan segala percakapan dan soal jawab. InsyaAllah, usaha sudah dibuat, hanya perlu berdoa dan tawakkal pd Allah. Serahkan segala2nya pd DIA. Doakan juga perjalanan PhD akak dipermudahkan Allah Taala.

  4. TQ so much k anis, really appreciate it n really needed the support rite now. My Doa n prayers always with my PhD colleague all the time.

  5. All the best Zai. May Allah grant you with serenity and wisdom to face this final challenge.
